
Indulge yourself at the Fairplay Golf Hotel and SPA. – The ultimate Luxury resort escape situated in Benalup Casas Viejas, only an hour away from Jerez de la Frontera and Cadiz in the South of Spain. As a unique 5 star Hotel with a fine all inclusive service, 18 hole golf course, and a 2000m² Spa we are the perfect Hotel for a golfing or relaxing holiday. Explore our Official web page!

Regálase una estancia en el Fairplay Golf Hotel & Spa - un auténtico resort de lujo. Un Fabuloso Hotel de lujo situado en Benalup Casas Viejas a solo una hora de Jerez y Cádiz en el sur de España. Un Hotel de 5 estrellas con un todo incluido de lujo, un campo de golf de 18 hoyos y un spa de 2000m² somos un Hotel perfecto para unas vacaciones de golf o relajación. Explore nuestra página Web official

Friday, March 23, 2012

Sorteo de una noche de Lujo! Win a night of Luxury!

¿Sueña con volver al Fairplay Golf Hotel & Spa para disfrutar de nuestro servicio de todo incluido y el Spa de 2000m²? Le informamos que sorteamos entre nuestros amigos en Facebook una noche en una de nuestras mejores Suites con un servicio de Todo incluido y un circuito de spa para 2 personas‼ ¡El valor del premio es de 398€!
Cómo participar en el sorteoSólamente tiene que entrar en nuestra página de facebook, y pinchar “me gusta” para participar en el sorteo. Los que ya son fans de nuestra página entran automáticamente en el sorteo.

Que incluye el premio:* 1 noche en una Suite de un Dormitorio para 2 personas
* Desayuno, Almuerzo y cena a la carta
* Bebidas en los restaurantes, bares y minibar
* Acceso a nuestro Spa con piscina Aquamedic, Sauna, Hamman & Jacuzzi
* Wifi, fitness, uso de pista de tenis

Cuando se anuncia el ganadorAnunciaremos el ganador el Lunes día 16 de Abril a través de facebook, y contactaremos con el ganador enviándole un mensaje privado para solicitar su correo electrónico, donde recibirá su bono regalo. La estancia deberá tener lugar antes del 30 de julio 2012.

Dese prisa, la sorteo cierre día 16/04/12 a las 12.00h!

Para más información sobre el Hotel consulte nuestra página web: www.fairplaygolfhotel.com

Are you dreaming to come back to Fairplay Golf Hotel & Spa to enjoy our fantastic All Inclusive service, and relax in our 2000m² Spa? Well here is your chance! We are giving away for our fans on Facebook the opportunity to win one night in one of our best Suites with an all inclusive service and access to the Spa for 2 people. The value of the prize is 398€!

How to participate:All you have to do, is “like” our fan page on facebook to qualify for the raffle. Those who have already liked our page automatically enter the raffle. 

What´s included in the prize* 1 night in a One Bedroom Suite for 2 people
* Breakfast, Lunch and dinner a la Carte
* Drinks in the bars, restaurants and minibar
* Access to our Spa; Aquamedic pool, jacuzzi, Sauna, Hamman and relax room.
* WIfI, fitness center, tennis courts

When the winner will be announced:We will announce the winner on the 16th of April 2012 on facebook. We will then contact the winner by private message asking for their email address, where we will send them the voucher. The voucher will be valid for stays before the 30th of July 2012.

Don´t miss out on this opertunity, the participation of the raffle closes at 12.00h on the 16th of April.

For more information about our Hotel, please consult our web page: www.fairplaygolfhotel.com

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Street Food, The Morning Market, Vientiane, Laos

From Sunday 7th April until Sunday 22nd April, our “Restaurante ASIA” at Fairplay Golf Hotel & Spa presents the menu, “Street Food, The Morning Market, Vientiane, Laos”.

Chef Don Vienne Senathit offers this special authentic menu that features street-hawker and market food from the famous Morning Market in the capital city of Vientiane in Laos. He says, “It’s a celebratory time in Laos and Thailand, it’s the New Year and the markets and food stalls are bustling with people out to enjoy the simple, yet satisfying diverse dishes on sale. Its also a time for sharing, and I cannot think of a better way for my team and I to celebrate this time than by sharing these traditional dishes with our clients”.

Some items on the menu will include:

• BBQ Whole King Prawns, Sweet Spicy Sauce/ Langostinos a la Parilla, Salsa Dulce-Picante
• Grilled Chicken Satays, Coconut Peanut Sauce/ Pinchitos de Pollo “Satay”, Salsa de Coco y Cacahuetes
• Deep Fried Crab and Prawn Cakes/ Tortitas de Cangrejo y Gambas
• Laotian Sausage Burger, Roasted Tomato Chutney/ Hamburguesa Laosiana, Chutney de Tomates Asadas
• Hot & Spicy Seafood Soup/ Sopa Picante de Frutos del Mar
• Spicy Market Noodles/ Fideos Picante de Mercado
• Crispy Roasted Pork Belly on Rice/ Cerdo Asado con Arroz
• Marinated Chicken Wings/ Alitas de Pollo Marinado
• Curried Noodles/ Fideos al Curry Rojo

A taste of the far east in sunny Benalup!


Reservations:0034 956 42 91 00

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Restaurante La Brasserie

Aunque aún no estamos en primavera, en Fairplay Golf Hotel & Spa (Benalup Casas Viejas) ya disfrutamos de un tiempo muy agradable. En nuestro restaurante La Braserrie puede disfrutar de un almuerzo sano y saludable, degustando carnes y pescados a la plancha con verduras de temporada y distintos tipos de ensaladas con unas vistas maravillosas del Parque Natural de los Alcornocales. Se puede encontrar el restaurante junto a la piscina exterior.

Although we are not quite into the Spring season yet, we are enjoying beautiful sunny days at Fairplay Golf Hotel & Spa in Benalup Casas Viejas. At our Brasserie restaurant by the pool, you can enjoy a healthy choice of freshly grilled meat or fish with seasonal vegetables and salads with stunning views over the Natural Park. You can find La Brasserie next to our outdoor swimming pool.

Más información

More información

www.fairplaygolfhotel.com | 0034 956 42 91 00 | info@fairplaygolfhotel.com

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Día de padre

Se acerca el 19 de marzo, Día del Padre, un día para demostrar todo el agradecimiento y cariño a esa persona tan especial. Ofrecemos algunas ideas para que puedan regalar a su padre:

Amantes de Golf:
por sólo 80 Euros puede disfrutar de un desayuno buffet, 18 hoyos en Benalup Golf & Country Club y almuerzo de 3 platos con bebidas incluidas en la Casa Club.
por sólo 60 Euros, ofrecemos un circuito de 2 horas con piscina aquamedic, jacuzzi, sauna y hammam y un almuerzo de 3 platos con bebidas incluidas en la Casa Club o La Brasserie.
regale una cena con bebidas incluidas por 65€ por persona en el restaurante Asia o La Table, o un almuerzo con bebidas incluidas en la Casa Club o La Brasserie por 35€ por persona.  

Podemos preparar un bono regalo para cualquier regalo que quiera hacer a su padre. ¡Llámenos ya al 956 42 91 00!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Benalup Golf & Country Club, ha dado el pistoletazo de las actividades y competiciones de las fiestas de la Independencia de Benalup-Casas Viejas.

Este torneo de golf es el más clásico del calendario anual al cumplir ya los 10 años de actividades y que cada año ha ido aumentando el interés de toda la comarca y que sin embargo,  no ajeno a la difícil situación que atravesamos aun ha congregada medio centenar de participantes.
Como es habitual en nuestro Club de Golf, el evento comenzó con el tradicional desayuno, seguido del aviso de “corneta” que daba inicio al torneo.
El reparto de premios tuvo lugar en nuestra Casa Club donde se dio buena cuenta del tradicional Almuerzo y el reparto de los premios a los Ganadores de las diferentes categorías y que fue presidido por D.Manuel Moguel, Teniente Alcaldesa de Benalup Golf, excusando la ausencia de la Alcaldesa Dña. Amalia Romero y Angel Duran, director de Benalup Golf cuyos resultados fueron:

1ª Categoría:
GANADOR.- Rafael Serra Benitez
SUBCAMPEON.-Rafael  Cabezas Guerrero

2ª Categoría:
GANADOR.- Manuel Peralta Montesdeoca
SUBCAMPEON.- Antonio Ortiz Ramos

Ganador Scratch: Manuel Maneiro Segade

Bola más cerca de Bandera.- Antonio Ortiz Ramos

Bola más larga en calle, categoría de Damas.- Diana Black

Bola más larga en calle, categoría de Caballeros.- Fernando Samper

Queremos dar las gracias de manera muy especial al Ayuntamiento de Benalup Casas-Viejas, al su Patronato de Deportes, a distribuidora de Coca-Cola y trofeos Ruz y a todos aquellos que de alguna manera han contribuido para que este torneo se haya realizado.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Goi Pa, Laotian Fish Salad - by Chef Don Vienne Senthit

Our head Chef at Fairplay Golf Hotel & Spa, Chef Don Vienne Senthit takes a moment from his busy day to present a delicious new dish for our menú in the Asia restaurant.

Goi Pa, Laotian Fish Salad - by Chef Don Vienne Senthit

Goi Pa. A Laotian ceviche of some sort? Or is ceviche a South American version of Goi Pa?
Who cares? Its yummy :biggrin: and easy to make!
Like many Laotian salads or “Larbs”, Goi Pa is raw, or almost raw, cured and briefly marinated, it must be served as soon as its made.
You need fresh fish, I find white fish is the best for this dish, but you could use salmon or tuna, it really doesn’t matter, as long as the fish is fresh.
There are different ways to prepare this dish, this is my way. The fish is ever so briefly heated, glazed in its own juices actually, this gives it a wonderful texture, semi raw if you like. You have to try it to appreciate it.
This is a long post, with many photos (25 more to go!), but trust me, its easy to prepare.

Two medium sized fish will serve 4 to 6 persons. Here I use Dorada (Gilt Head Bream). I would have preferred to use Sea Bass, but we ate those the previous day! :lol:

The other ingredients include a knob of galangal, the juice of 4 limes, 2 spring onions, lemongrass, a few chilies, a handful of both mint and coriander.
Apart from the fresh chilies, you will also need some dried chilies.

Deep fry the dried chilies in hot oil until they turn a dark red, not burnt!

Pound the deep fried chilies with a pestle and mortar.

Freshly made powdered chilies have a roasted aroma. You can make them in advance and store them in an airtight container, but the roasted aroma dissipates over time. That´s why I like to make mine when it´s needed.

You will also need some fish sauce, I use 55 grams, you can use a little less, then taste the finished dish and add some more if you want.

40 grams of pounded dry roasted sticky rice. This is just raw sticky rice that has been fried in a dry pan until lightly browned then pounded with a pestle and mortar. Some people use a grinder or spice mill, but I find they over-grind the rice and make it too powdery, I like texture.
Chop the coriander, mint and spring onion.

No need to get all “chefy” and chop them to finely!
Chop the white part of the lemongrass, chilies and galangal.

10 grams of galagal should do the trick. Use as much chilies as you see fit, I have used 5.
Clean the fish and cut into fillets then remove the skin.
Cut the fillets in to small bite sized pieces.

Dredge the skin in some corn flour then deep fry until crispy, set aside.
Place the fish in a non-reactive bowl, and pour over the lime juice and give it a good stir.

Make sure that all the fish is coated with the lime juice. Give it a stir for a good 2 or 3 minutes, then let it rest for a minute or two.

With the aid of a slotted spoon or ladle, gently press out as much liquid from the fish pieces as possible.
Some people use their hands to squeeze out the liquid, but the idea is to be gentle, yet firm, and not break the pieces of fish.
Remove the fish from the liquid.

It should have a glossy shine to it and still retain its shape.

Pour the liquid in to a pan over a medium flame, as soon as it starts to bubble around the edges, add the fish sauce.

Give it a good stir.
When it comes to a boil add the fish then lower the flame.

Give it a good stir, making sure you coat the fish in the liquid.

There is no need to cook the fish, you just want to glaze the pieces in the hot liquid. Remove the pan from the heat and place the contents in to a non-reactive bowl.

You will see that the fish is not cooked, but has turned opaque.

Add a large tablespoon of the chili powder.

Then add the lemongrass, galangal and chilies.

Add the roasted sticky rice powder.

Give it a good stir, taste it and adjust the seasoning if required. The sticky rice powder will absorb the liquid.
Finally add the chopped spring onion, mint and coriander.


After another good stir, the dish is ready.

Crumble the deep fried fish skin over the Goi Pa, plate it, serve it, enjoy it.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Masajes en el Fairplay Spa | Massages at Fairplay Spa

Música relajante, velas y aceites aromatizados son sólo una parte de la experiencia de un masaje personalizado en el Fairplay Spa. Nuestras terapeutas adaptan sus técnicas para satisfacer sus necesitadas. Si usted prefiere un masaje relajante, un masaje profundo o un masaje a 4 manos, le aseguramos que se sentirá totalmente satisfecho.

 Aglunos de nuestros masajes más populares:
  • Paz de los Sentidos (Masaje relajante de 20 ó 40 min.) --- 50€ / 80€
    Masaje (espalda o piernas) de  20 min. ó Masaje general de 40 min.
    Paz de los Sentidos es un masaje que aporta bienestar, relaja la musculatura y reduce tensiones.
    Los terapeutas adaptan su técnica para ajustarse a sus necesidades. Se activa la capacidad natural de su cuerpo para liberar la energía acumulada y se le devuelve el balance y la armonía.

  • FAIRPLAY 25 ó 40 min. --- 60€ / 85€
    Masaje local 25 min. ó Masaje general de 40 min. Fairplay es nuestra especialidad. Profundo masaje que trabaja su musculatura y relaja su cuerpo.
  • Masaje sensación 60 min. --- 99€
    Masaje completo relajante de 60 minutos que incluye masaje craneofacial. Puede elegir entre 3 tipos de aromas, y también la textura del producto.
  • Masaje Reductor Anticelulítico 30 min. --- 70€
    Masaje local en piernas, glúteos y abdomen donde el cuerpo es esculpido y redefinido para conseguir una silueta más esbelta.
  • Sensaciones de Oriente 40 min. --- 90€
    Masaje nutritivo con pindas aromaticas calientes.
Contacto: spa@fairplaygolfhotel.com | 0034 956 424 932 | www.fairplaygolfhotel.com

Relaxing music, aromatic oils and candles are just a part of the experience of your personalized massage at Fairplay Golf Hotel & Spa. Our highly qualified spa therapists can adapt their techniques to suit your needs, whether you prefer a relaxing unwinding massage, an intense deep tissue or a 4 hands massage, we make sure that you leave feeling completely regenerated.

Some of our most popular massages:

  • Peace Of The Senses. ( Relaxing massage 20 or 40 min.) --- 50€ / 80€
    Half body massage 20 minutes or full body massage 40 minutes. Peace of the senses is a massage that provides comfort, relaxes muscles and reduces tension. Therapists adapt their techniques to fit your needs. Your body´s natural ability to release blocked energy is activated,

  • Fairplay ( Intensive massage 25 or 40 min.) --- 60€ / 85€
    Half body massage 25 minutes or full body massage 40 minutes. Fairplay massage is our specialty. A deep massage to work your muscles and relax your body.
  • Sensations body massage 60 min. --- 99€        Full body relaxing 60 minute massage, with head and face massage included. Guest can decide between three different aromas and also the texture of the product used. 
  • Anti - Cellulite Massage. 30 min. --- 70€

    Half body massage (legs, gluteus and abdominal). The body is sculpted and defined for a slimmer silhouette. 
  • Orient Sensations  40 min. --- 90€
    Nutritive massage with aromatic hot stones
Contact: spa@fairplaygolfhotel.com | 0034 956 424 932 | www.fairplaygolfhotel.com